General Talk
- itunes backup >10 - am i doing it wrong? (2 Replies)
- Use rules only on selected dictionaries (4 Replies)
- rejected stuff (4 Replies)
- Help using --increment in the middle of a text file (3 Replies)
- Veracrypt question (6 Replies)
- Russians and Attack Strategies (3 Replies)
- wpa/2 flaws? (2 Replies)
- Buying wordlists/rules (8 Replies)
- Character separator for salted hashes (1 Reply)
- pmk-length? (7 Replies)
- HashKiller Downtime - Local Provider Messup! (2 Replies)
- How to decrypt CSS/CPPM? (4 Replies)
- Upgrading Ubuntu 14 to 16 (3 Replies)
- CISCO-IOS SHA256 (1 Reply)
- Salt-value exception (2 Replies)
- audio recorder edic-mini Tiny B21 (2 Replies)
- Is it better to use princeprocessor rather than using Hashcat alone? (7 Replies)
- Attacking a sentence (3 Replies)
- Epixoip was right (3 Replies)
- Is it possible to crack a salt from hash with or without cleartext? (8 Replies)