hi first of all its my first time using hashcat. so sorry for asking noob questions
well when im setting the mask like this -1 ?l?u?d?s ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
i think the generated passes should be 11 characters right ?
so whats this ?
Password lengths range: 1 - 15
and how can i change it to 11 - 11 range?
AND im using :
GeForce GTX 550 Ti
it takes
Time.Left....: 1 year, 202 days
for a 11 characters lenght password is this good? and the speed is
Speed........: 15067 c/s Real, 15196 c/s GPU
how can i decrease the time and increase the speed .
(04-06-2012, 11:53 AM)Crim3R Wrote: [ -> ]hi first of all its my first time using hashcat. so sorry for asking noob questions
well when im setting the mask like this -1 ?l?u?d?s ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
i think the generated passes should be 11 characters right ?
so whats this ?
Password lengths range: 1 - 15
and how can i change it to 11 - 11 range?
if you are using -plus, ignore this. with -lite set --pw-min=11
(04-06-2012, 11:53 AM)Crim3R Wrote: [ -> ]it takes
Time.Left....: 1 year, 202 days
for a 11 characters lenght password is this good? and the speed is
Speed........: 15067 c/s Real, 15196 c/s GPU
how can i decrease the time and increase the speed .
What kind of hash are you trying to crack? The time depends on the used PSA.
For increased speed i recommend buying 4x AMD 7970.
The calculated left time doesn't seem to be correct though.
95^11 = 5,68800092276459960938e21 combinations
95^11/15100/60/60/24/365 = 11944723580 years
the problem is im carcking wp hashes and -lite doesnt support it.
(04-06-2012, 12:19 PM)Crim3R Wrote: [ -> ]the problem is im carcking wp hashes and -lite doesnt support it.
because you should not brute-force wp hashes and -lite does support only brute-force.
so whats the best way for wordpress hashes in case that i know hash in 11 characters
grab some good dictionaries..
hashcat-utils to extract the words with only 11 characters using "len" tool..
run the attack with ur filtered dict.. ; )