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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Which drivers for a ATI 5830?
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Which drivers do I need to use oclHashcat-lite with a ATI 5830?

I tried the Catalys 12.2 and 12.3 driver in combination with the SDK 2.6, but hashcat always displays an error message.

Which drivers will be the best for my graphics card?
do not install the SDK.
But if I try to launch hashcat without installed SDK an error message pops up, in which it says: OpenCL.dll is missing!
Then you have a to old driver installed, because its part of the current ones.
(04-12-2012, 05:57 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]Then you have a to old driver installed, because its part of the current ones.

I have installed Catalys 12.3. Currently this is the newest version I could find.
Then you installed the Catalyst wrong. Its 100% inside there.
I uninstalled all drivers and reinstalled the newest version of Catalyst (12.3), but I'm still getting the same error.
on Win XP use the catalyst 12.1, because 12.2 and 12.3 OpenCL not available.