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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Large IPB list issue
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ok i'll try my best to describe the crazy situation : /
i got 32k hashes all iPB2[md5(md5($salt).md5($pass))]
first i ran them directly through some dicts and got positive results (~18k were found)
now i wanted to run the rest with the same dictionary BUT with rules..
and every time i try to do so i get very weird numbers::
Status.......: Running
Input.Mode...: File (___.dic)
Hash.Type....: IPB2, MyBB1.2
Time.Running.: 0 secs
Time.Left....: 1 year, 295 days
Time.Util....: 886.6ms/48.0ms Real/CPU, 5.7% idle
Speed........: 35480.1k c/s Real, 39078.4k c/s GPU
Recovered....: 0/11444 Digests, 0/10835 Salts
Progress.....: 43622785940/2026262293794090 (0.00%)
Rejected.....: 43591328660/43622785940 (99.93%)
this dict has about 154M words
notice all 99.93% rejected >.< but its decreasing

and after LONG time::
Status.......: Running
Input.Mode...: File (___.dic)
Hash.Type....: IPB2, MyBB1.2
Time.Running.: 8 hours, 50 mins
Time.Left....: 1 year, 234 days
Time.Util....: 27733711.4ms/55.3ms Real/CPU, 0.0% idle
Speed........: 39091.7k c/s Real, 39138.6k c/s GPU
Recovered....: 0/11444 Digests, 0/10835 Salts
Progress.....: 1133853248180/2026262293794090 (0.06%)
Rejected.....: 49694640820/1133853248180 (4.38%)

and the worst part is when i go with same rules and rockyou.txt::
finished after only 1:30 hours with good results @ the same speed 39Mhash/sec

and even worse when i try the run the same command again::
Status.......: Running
Input.Mode...: File (..\M\d\rockyou.dic)
Hash.Type....: IPB2, MyBB1.2
Time.Running.: 0 secs
Time.Left....: 64 days, 19 hours
Time.Util....: 544.7ms/15.0ms Real/CPU, 2.8% idle
Speed........: 33689.6k c/s Real, 39007.1k c/s GPU
Recovered....: 0/11444 Digests, 0/10835 Salts
Progress.....: 2293938450/188681672452790 (0.00%)
Rejected.....: 2275588370/2293938450 (99.20%)

i barely think everything is clear to you.. but...
any idea whats going on??
The words could be too long after they are modified by the rules.
then how do u explain the "Rejected" decrement along 9 hours??
and yes some rules may make it long.. but "$1" or "$1$2$3"??? : /
It doesn't really decrement, but there is an overflow.

The reason for having so many rejected ones appearing right after starting is simple: olchashcat-plus caches a part of the dict and at first sorts out every word to be rejected. After that it begins to run over whatever is left of that cached chunk.
yes that explains the rejects, but it still fullfills the buffer till its full or EOF before launching the kernel
sorry pal.. but i dont understand.. could u explain a little bit more : )
and the thing i really want to have explained is how i was able to run rockyou which has 14M words without any rejection and it finished in 1 hour! with the same rules.. problem is that i didnt keep any kind of log of printscreens to determine the difference >.<
While it buffers the words from the dictionary it checks if a word is undersized or oversized. If this is the case it adds for each word the number of RULES multiplied by the number of SALTS to the rejection counter.
ok.. whats the solution??
split the hash file, sort the dict by length, remove the rules??

i already tried sorting the dict by length.. and it started with ZERO rejected but the same long numbers : /
yeah, split the hash file. in theory you can split by 1 since it will not make any speed difference in sum. multihash support for salted hashes has just been added because of the lazyness of some users
@atom:: hmmm... ok lets say i can split the file by 1.. and add them to a batch file somehow,, don't think it won't so efficient due to reloading the dict and all with every single hash??
appreciate the help : )
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