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hashcat Forum

Full Version: new version of oclhashcat lite
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Is it posibile in the next versions of oclhashcat lite to increase speed like you did in v0.06?

please sent optimizations you found to atom. He will sure be glad to implement them.
Thats right. Currently I have no ideas how to improve SHA1 speed even more. All my optimizations went into -lite v0.09.
He have no idea what to do, as he just asking to increase speed because SL3 is too slow for him.
(05-02-2012, 11:24 AM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]He have no idea what to do, as he just asking to increase speed because SL3 is too slow for him.

It's only a simple question, that's all. I'm not doing no one a harm with a simple question.

Anyway, thank you atom for your hard work!!!
But you not writing to your car manufacturer asking to lower fuel consumption as your car eats too much gas? Simple question would be:
When do you plan to release hashcat-xxxx,
When will be fixed xxx bug
How about adding new feature xxx
and so on.