(05-26-2012, 10:33 PM)Hash-IT Wrote: [ -> ]I did a very basic and simplistic calculation to try to work out the gain and I "think" if you had to search the entire keyspace using an optimised version it "should" possibly save you 18%.
would expected more. Is that only allowing no more than 2 chars at a time eg
should save more if you limit it one step further, say repeats of any character and limit the total amount of repeats eg
say I want no more than 2 character repeats and no more than 2 total amount of repeats
AABAABAA not allowed it has six repeats of "A"
AABDDCEE not allowed, total amount of repeats is three, one of "A", one of "D" and one of "E"
AABBCDEF allowed it has two repeats of "A", two repeats of "B" and total amount of repeats is two. one of "A" and of "B"
ABCABDEF allowed it has two repeats of "A", two repeats of "B" and total amount of repeats is two. one of "A" and of "B"
For the the network I'm testing, I would set character repeats to 3 and keep total amount of repeats at 2 as the few keys I've seen, they does seem to be a patten and can't help think if its like a password policy of some sort, in the way the algorithm generates it and may allows/disallows a key if it spits out something like AAHAAEAA unlikely but possible?
EDIT: Heres the full
A-Z_UPPER_LEN_8 lists I generated some time ago. Bet Atom is shaking his head at this
Oh well hehe.
Also found another old
link I have to a perl script. Its called "Powerful Word Generator" on the page.
Heres some of the usage options what originally got my attention.
-o number: max number of occurrencies of a letter
-n number: max number of n-ple (AA, BBB, CCC, DDDD)
-r number: max number of repeatitions (ABCABABBCDBCD has 5 repeatitions: 3 reps of AB and 2 of BCD)
This almost does what I/we want but I think it has a bug somewhere as it skips passwords unexpectedly. I'll give an example if needed.
ULM (Unified List Manager) also has a option to Limit the consecutive character instances in the beta functions.
Been trying to do this for ages, so I may have a few other things on my PC. I'll post them here if I do.