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hashcat Forum

Full Version: If you were going to go buy a video card right now, which would you pick?
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GeForce GTX 460 has most bang for buck as of the latest Nvidia's.
Radeon 5770 is the best $/perf card.
(09-03-2010, 05:34 PM)Rolf Wrote: [ -> ]GeForce GTX 460 has most bang for buck as of the latest Nvidia's.
Radeon 5770 is the best $/perf card.

~200 bucks is a little steep for this project... wanted something in the 100 dollar arena.
Steep huh?
Well, budget cards can go along with cracking, but dont expect high speeds on those.
Yeah. I'm a cheap ass. I've got an expensive DSLR and a Vacation in the next month. It'll have to wait till November when I have time to replace my whole PC. I've currently only got a half height Dell optiplex with an 8x pci-e.