Hi all. I'm learning slowly but surely. I had a 10 digit Windows 7 administrative account password and added characters to it to "change" it. So the password is probably 15 characters long, or maybe 16.
After getting the hash I created dictionaries using crunch to run 1-4:
Trying password@@@@@@ (5) in crunch was too big for my live BT5 to handle (kept running out of memory). So why not just BF it then? I get this error even though the gui says 14-15 instead of 14-55.
GPU-Loops: 256
GPU-Accel: 80
Password lengths range: 14 - 55
Platform: NVidia compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: GeForce GTX 260, 896MB, 1242Mhz, 27MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => ERROR: to much combinations possible
I must be doing something wrong and if anyone has any suggestions please speak up. I understand much of the concept but still have trouble with the command line syntax.
Update. 14-16 appears to have the correct number but still the same error. How does everyone else do this?
cudaHashcat-lite v0.9 by atom starting...
GPU-Loops: 256
GPU-Accel: 80
Password lengths range: 14 - 16
Platform: NVidia compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: GeForce GTX 260, 896MB, 1242Mhz, 27MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => ERROR: to much combinations possible
EDIT to add since I've already ran the 10+1, 10+2, 10+3 and 10+4, there is no reason for cudahashcat-lite to run those is there? All I need is for it to check for 15 character PWs when the first 10 are known.
use this mask with -a 3: password12?d?d?d?d?d
(06-13-2012, 10:35 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]and read this: https://hashcat.net/wiki/mask_attack
Read it again, you mean, since I've read it a few times. Someone else has already asked about implementation so I won't mention it again. The reason for downloading the gui was because I kept getting errors about "no such directory" or -l was not valid, etc. That is why I gave up and created dictionaries for a straight attack through the gui after downloading it.
In other words, I still don't know where or how to place the last 5 characters to append them to the known 10 in a command line or in the gui. Hence the question.
Granted, it is probably very simple but I've been trying this for a few days and did read a lot of stuff.
(06-13-2012, 10:35 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]use this mask with -a 3: password12?d?d?d?d?d
Thanks for this. Where do I put it in the gui?
.\cudaHashcat-lite64.exe: unknown option -- a
.\cudaHashcat-lite64.exe: unknown option --
.\cudaHashcat-lite64.exe: unknown option -- a
Usage: .\cudaHashcat-plus64.exe [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary
Try --help for more help.
And is the "12" part of the command or to make it 10 chars long?
Here is the start command line:
cudaHashcat-lite64.exe --hash-type 1000 d483xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx57c -a 3: password12?d?d?d?d?d
ubuntublues, I had a lot of trouble working all this out when I started and I know what it feels like.
I suggest you stick with it as hashcat is an awesome tool once you "get it".
atom has explained what you should do and he has written a wiki for people like us. However things can get lost in the translation from genius to mere mortals so I will try to bridge the gap as I am much further down the pecking order around here.
A simple explanation of what atom has said.
atom Wrote:use this mask with -a 3: password12?d?d?d?d?d
-a 3 is the attack mode and 3 = Brute-force
password12 This is the fixed part or known part of your password.
?d?d?d?d?d Anything with a ? in front of it means it is a place holder or something that will be changed by hashcat.
d = digit or number (see what atom did there ?)
Hashcat reads the command as, brute force this password using the permanent text "password12" then append numbers 0-9 in order at each placeholder.
I think that is what you wanted to do isn't it ?
You edited your post as I posted and I notice you have added a hash on there. I suggest you remove it pretty quick or you will have more problems !
You can leave most of it there but replace some of it with "x".
(06-13-2012, 11:30 PM)Hash-IT Wrote: [ -> ]ubuntublues, I had a lot of trouble working all this out when I started and I know what it feels like.
I suggest you stick with it as hashcat is an awesome tool once you "get it".
atom has explained what you should do and he has written a wiki for people like us. However things can get lost in the translation from genius to mere mortals so I will try to bridge the gap as I am much further down the pecking order around here.
A simple explanation of what atom has said.
Quote:use this mask with -a 3: password12?d?d?d?d?d
-a 3 is the attack mode and 3 = Brute-force
password12 This is the fixed part or known part of your password.
?d?d?d?d?d Anything with a ? in front of it means it is a place holder or something that will be changed by hashcat.
d = digit or number (see what atom did there ?) so...
Hashcat reads the command as, brute force this password using the permanent text "password12" then append numbers 0-9 in order at each placeholder.
I think that is what you wanted to do isn't it ?
Yes, thank you VERY much, and I agree about the genius part and us mere mortals. Seriously, I'm not an expert. One question given the above error. Do I paste this in the the "mask" field?
-a 3: password12?d?d?d?d?d
That is what I did to get the posted entire command line with the resulting "unknown option -- a error."
(06-13-2012, 11:43 PM)ubuntublues Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, thank you VERY much, and I agree about the genius part and us mere mortals.
I was belittling myself, not atom when I said that. I can imagine he gets bored of answering these sorts of questions so I try to leap in to spare his time and patience.
I think you would do much better with a complete example.
oclHashcat-lite32.exe --hash-type 1000 -a 3 -o found.out d483d551exxxxxxe1308bxxxxxxb857c password12?d?d?d?d
It always gets so messy when you try to learn a new thing xD
oclHashcat-lite doesn't have any attack-modes other than brute-force, thus, -a3 should be removed.
(06-13-2012, 11:49 PM)Hash-IT Wrote: [ -> ] (06-13-2012, 11:43 PM)ubuntublues Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, thank you VERY much, and I agree about the genius part and us mere mortals.
I was belittling myself, not atom when I said that. I can imagine he gets bored of answering these sorts of questions so I try to leap in to spare his time and patience.
I think you would do much better with a complete example.
oclHashcat-lite32.exe --hash-type 1000 -a 3 -1 ?d -o found.out d483d551exxxxxxe1308bxxxxxxb857c password12?d?d?d?d
I was belittling myself too. I'm sure he gets tired of the simple questions.
Like this one. What do I do with that command line in the gui?
It won't let me paste it next to start and I don't know how you arrived at it unless you typed it in.
I sincerely appreciate the effort.
(06-13-2012, 11:57 PM)ubuntublues Wrote: [ -> ]Like this one. What do I do with that command line in the gui?
It won't let me paste it next to start and I don't know how you arrived at it unless you typed it in.
I sincerely appreciate the effort.
M@LIK's right, hashcat-lite only does brute force so get rid of the -a 3 (I only use hashcat-plus which does require -a, but that's a different story !
oclHashcat-lite32.exe --hash-type 1000 -o found.out d483d551exxxxxxe1308bxxxxxxb857c password12?d?d?d?d
You shouldn't need to paste it into the GUI, make a .cmd with it. I wonder why the GUI doesn't work for you ?