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hashcat Forum

Full Version: How many GTX690 can be supported?
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Hi all,

I would like to build a box that is equipped with GeForce GTX690. Someone told me that nVidia is only support a max. of 4-ways. That means, only 2 GTX690 can be installed. Is that right? Or, can I install more than 2 GTX690 to the box?

I am running Linux system.

8 GPU supported for sure, in theory 16. For AMD you can go to 8 max.

p.s. why nvidia?
Only two GTX 690s are supported for gaming, but not for CUDA.
That's what 4-way SLI is all about, but since you're on linux, that's not the case.
Should be up to 8 GTX 690, like KT819GM said.
Kepler is anti-GPGPU architecture. Better go with 590s...

Kepler is anti-GPGPU? How about not go for OpenCL but CUDA?


I think nVidia driver is better than AMD driver in Linux. Is that right?

Even if the name doesnt say it, but oclHashcat uses CUDA on NVidia, not OpenCL. However gw is right, NVidia sucks for hash cracking. See benchmarks here:

I havent listed 6xx series since its slower than the 5xx series.
@blazer and @atom,

Thanks for the information.

I would like to know besides the Catalyst driver to be installed, any other stuff need to be installed in order to make oclhashcat+ to function?

By the way, any news about AMD display card for new models to be launched?
is this about Nvidia or AMD? Nvidia does need Forceware, not Catalyst. AMD does only require Catalyst.

According to information that they provided, it seems that AMD is better than nVidia. So, I selected AMD.

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