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hashcat Forum

Full Version: AMD 12.6 not recommended updated ?
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Got the already seen before ERROR clGetPlatformIDs<> -1001

Should be back to 12.4 (for most recent oclhashcat) or previous
versions for older oclhashcat ?
I have only good experience with 12.6 and tbh i recommend it to people. the advantage over 12.4 is that it does not have these ugly ASIC hangs. from performance perspective there is no difference. but this error was reported by Hash-IT before if I am right and i can not reproduce it. Very strange. Maybe its Windows only bug? Do you use the latest plus beta?
Yes, I was trying 12.6 with latest plus beta.
No problem here.
I supose that those with no problems using 12.6 are all on Linux, as no reference
to Windows was done, right (I mean Windows 7 x64) ?
I just updated to 12.6 (final, not beta) on all my linux and windows machines. I can not reproduce this. Any specific command-line I can run?
(06-29-2012, 07:41 PM)proinside Wrote: [ -> ]I supose that those with no problems using 12.6 are all on Linux, as no reference
to Windows was done, right (I mean Windows 7 x64) ?

Win7 64bit
ATI 6970HD
(06-30-2012, 08:35 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]I just updated to 12.6 (final, not beta) on all my linux and windows machines. I can not reproduce this. Any specific command-line I can run?

I really did the most easy and simple command-line for MD5, atom, no complex options or
rules. I didn't expect such an error (happened in the past with Hash-IT). Maybe a third part
software ? No, I supose that's nothing to do with that but I'm not sure.
Found something using Google but didn't took it seriously.

(06-30-2012, 01:53 PM)K9 Wrote: [ -> ]Win7 64bit
ATI 6970HD

System looks similar but... maybe crossfire is here causing the problem ?
I think Hash-It use a single card, and got the same problem.

Once I didn't try too much, I'll see if with a single 5870, 12.6 will give
the same problem. Have to do all the clean drivers stuff, and install
again on another machine.
yeah crossfire always caused problems in the past. if you can, remove the crossfire bridge and try again. its worth trying it

Sorry I missed this one, not like me !! Big Grin

Well, well, well, I'm not mental after all !! ha ha !!

Phew thank you proinside, I hate it when I am the only one making bug reports, it makes me paranoid ! I have made a few bug reports where I am out on my own for a very long time until the answer is found, usually by atom thankfully Smile

I was starting to hold back on bug reports as I was concerned I would start to look like a lunatic, well, more of a lunatic . Smile

I am using a ATI HD5870 single card if that helps you guys. The OS I was using was win7 32bit (I am in the process of moving to 64bit because I was the only person experiencing these issues, or so I thought).

I can't remember much of the exact circumstances of this bug, I do an awful lot of bug testing for other programs and as no one else experienced this I assumed it was my fault and forgot about it. So I am sorry but I don't have much more to add.
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