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hashcat Forum

Full Version: 0.10 a litle bit slower
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I am NOT complaining, ok ??

Just to ask if it is supposed because of new code implementation or I'm I doing something wrong ?

thank you

print from 0.9 vs 0.10
You need to turn off markov, because stats file which *lite now uses have nothing to do with SL3.
(07-03-2012, 06:09 AM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]You need to turn off markov, because stats file which *lite now uses have nothing to do with SL3.

ok, but If i understood correctly, you don't have that option.

No biggie! I can still use 0.9. It has been not less that perfect all this time ! Never has failed on me.

thank you
* Markov:

       --markov-hcstat               Specify hcstat file to use, default is hashcat.hcstat
       --markov-disable              Disables markov-chains, emulates classic brute-force
       --markov-classic              Enables classic markov-chains, no per-position enhancement
  -t,  --markov-threshold=NUM        Threshold when to stop accepting new markov-chains

So try --markov-disable on your command line.
(07-03-2012, 11:30 AM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]
* Markov:

       --markov-hcstat               Specify hcstat file to use, default is hashcat.hcstat
       --markov-disable              Disables markov-chains, emulates classic brute-force
       --markov-classic              Enables classic markov-chains, no per-position enhancement
  -t,  --markov-threshold=NUM        Threshold when to stop accepting new markov-chains

So try --markov-disable on your command line.

I did look for it but I've missed that one, thank you !
But still slower. It is no problem, 0.09 works fine for sl3.

I understand that because of new code this can happen and real life usage it would only take some extra minutes. It was just for "benchmark".
have you tried updating drivers or compare by using different OS like linux?
(07-03-2012, 05:30 PM)forumhero Wrote: [ -> ]have you tried updating drivers or compare by using different OS like linux?

has a matter of fact when i saw less speed I updated from 12.4 to 12.7 beta just to be sure it wasn't drivers. Haven't tried linux because I don't use it.
(07-03-2012, 11:30 AM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]So try --markov-disable on your command line.

This wont help. The speed remain. Speed drop from 0.09 to 0.10 is not caused by word-generator. Its because AMD did some changes to the JIT compiler.
(07-03-2012, 05:37 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-03-2012, 11:30 AM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]So try --markov-disable on your command line.

This wont help. The speed remain. Speed drop from 0.09 to 0.10 is not caused by word-generator. Its because AMD did some changes to the JIT compiler.

I don`t understand, what is best for sl3 markov-disable or markov-hcstat.
I am downloading the file sl3.hcstat.