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hashcat Forum

Full Version: can I mix 6950 and 7970?
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I've got 3 6950,and I want to add 2 7970 ,can I make it work with lite at the same time?
* changes v0.06 -> v0.07:
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added support for mixed GPU types (example: hd5970 and hd6850)

I think it's removed since oclHashcat-plus-0.08.
got it,thank you.
I can verify that current versions of oclHashcat-plus will NOT work with a 6xxx and 7xxx series GPU at the same time.
(07-22-2012, 05:31 PM)Bitweasil Wrote: [ -> ]I can verify that current versions of oclHashcat-plus will NOT work with a 6xxx and 7xxx series GPU at the same time.

thank you Bitweasil.
Mixed GPU support added to latest version, thread closed.