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hashcat Forum

Full Version: I need a powerful laptop
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Hello guys!
I like password cracking and i'm all the time wardriving with my laptop looking for wifi connections to crack. However, my laptop is not powerful (Toshiba satellite L6**** with Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 series). I'm planning to buy a new powerful laptop specifically for hash cracking. My laptop is on for at least 10 hours a day and sometimes i leave it running for a couple of days non stop. My question to you guys is what are the best and most performant laptops (and desktops if you know any) that don't exceed 1500 US $? I know I can search the net for such stuff, but I'm asking those of you who have already bought one and know exactly what it's capable of concerning hash cracking. Thanks Smile
Desktops are better.. but if you can't, buy a laptop with the better ATI HD card.
Example : HD 6970M or HD 7970M
(07-25-2012, 07:50 AM)Mem5 Wrote: [ -> ]Desktops are better.. but if you can't, buy a laptop with the better ATI HD card.
Example : HD 6970M or HD 7970M

yeah i know desktops are better, but i searched online for one in my country, but there isn't much choice. the ones i found are not very performant (most of them have Geforce GT530).
I searched also for laptops, but there aren't any with HD 6970 or HD 7970. All I could find was a toshiba satellite with AMD Radeon HD 7670M, another one with HD 7610, and the last has NVIDIA GeForce GT630M. Any ideas?
so buy cheap motherboard, cpu for desktop, one or two HD7970 and use ssh to communicate and to feed jobs for that pc. It looks like small problem when having 1.5K USD.
(07-25-2012, 05:25 PM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]so buy cheap motherboard, cpu for desktop, one or two HD7970 and use ssh to communicate and to feed jobs for that pc. It looks like small problem when having 1.5K USD.
I guess it's the only choice i have. i checked the price of HD7970, but i think that it's not worth that sum of money costs about 700 bucks (1.5 times my salary!!) ...I guess I'll go for 2 6770 or 2 gtx560. thanks for your help guys
don't buy nvidia if you want to use it for hash cracking
(07-25-2012, 10:26 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]don't buy nvidia if you want to use it for hash cracking

i guess i won't unless i'm run out of choices! looks like nvidia sucks when it comes to hash cracking, compared to amd. i found a farely good one, HD 6870. either it or HD 5970 (powerful, but a bit old, no?). soooo, i'm giving up the idea of buying a laptop. i'll go for the desktop thing and start making my calculations. Guys, i found a website which lets me customize my desktop. if you wanna have a look at it and maybe give me a better idea how to do that. thanks a lot.
Customize your desktop
Brand/website like provide self choice of laptop.
(07-26-2012, 07:48 AM)Mem5 Wrote: [ -> ]Brand/website like provide self choice of laptop.

i don't have an international credit card to buy from or whatsoever. besides, the local shops don't offer such choice...except for desktops. so, i've made my final decision to buy a cheap mother board with 2 or 3 pcie slots, two amd cards (still donnow which ones) and i5 processor.
OK. Where do you live ? Smile
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