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hashcat Forum

Full Version: brute-forcing not working with me
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i have nvidea M that supports CUDA and i try cudahashcat-lite for an md5 hash and it works fine with me
i try cudahashcat-plus for md5 it shows this command

cudaHashcat-plus32.exe --attack-mode 3 --gpu-accel 8--gpu-loops 256 --gpu-watchdog 90 --segment-size 32 D:\New Folder\hashcat-gui-0.5.1\New Text Document.txt

and when i click start it just shows the cmd and return the cursor without any thing !!!
ant help?
thanks in advance.
you did not specify a mask. Also you have to quote your hash file.
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe --attack-mode 3 --gpu-accel 8--gpu-loops 256 --gpu-watchdog 90 --segment-size 32 "D:\New Folder\hashcat-gui-0.5.1\New Text Document.txt"

i quote the hash file as above and now it says
hash: 256, line length exception: 3
ERROR: No hashes loaded

whats wrong ?
8--gpu-loops 256
you are missing a blank and you are still missing a mask
i make a space and still the same error
could you give me the right syntax please
thanks in advance.
Your syntax is right, your hashfile "New Text Document.txt" is fucked.
your hash file should contain ONLY MD5 hashes, nothing else.

correct hash file format:

incorrect hash file format:

hashcat tutorial
the file contains only one hash only !! and the format is correct
i try to rename the file name to be one word but !! still the same !!

cudaHashcat-plus32.exe --attack-mode 3 --gpu-accel 8--gpu-loops 256--gpu-watchdog 90 --segment-size 32 "test.txt"

and the other one

cudaHashcat-plus32.exe --attack-mode 3 --gpu-accel 8--gpu-loops 256--gpu-watchdog 90 --segment-size 32 34d7d0165d1fe0934e2cb0ae952e0355

none of the above works with me but the following
cudaHashcat-plus32.exe -a=3 --custom-charset1 ?u --custom-charset2 ?l --gpu-accel 8 --gpu-loops 256 --gpu-watchdog 90 --segment-size 32 "test.txt"
started and says

Starting attack in wordlist stdin mode...
and begins
is that means that the attack started brute force attach with upper and lower charctersets ?
You still doing it wrong.
You have to write a mask after the hashfile!
Also, I don't know why you are re-setting default values.

cudaHashcat-plus32 -a3 -1 ?l?u test.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
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