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hashcat Forum

Full Version: V47 bugs Nvidia
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System: Windows 7 64 bit, Driver 285.62 GTX470, oclhashcat-plus beta 47

General problem:

- Something got wrong with -a 3. It does not work for all length on the following algos: 0, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 40, 100, 101, 110, 111, 112, 120, 121, 122, 130, 131, 132, 140, 141, 300, 900, 1000, 1100, 1400, 1410, 1420, 1500, 1700, 1710, 1720, 1722, 2400, 2600, 2611, 2711, 2811, 3000 and 3100. As you can see, heavy algo seems to be untouched by this problem.

- The progress and reject counter are wrong, see attached picture.

Specific problems

-m 130 sha1(unicode($pass).$salt), -a 1 and -a 7 fails for all length.
-m 131 MSSQL(2000), -a 1 and -a 7 fails for all length.
-m 132 MSSQL(2005), -a 1 and -a 7 fails for all length.
-m 1710 sha512($pass.$salt), -a 1, -a 6 and -a 7 fails for all length.
-m 1800 sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix), length 15 in -a 1 and -a 6 fails. Length 4 and 8 in -a 7 fails.
-m 2711 only dictionary (-a 0) attack works.
-m 2811 only dictionary (-a 0) attack works.

- I get the ERROR: cuStreamSynchronize() 999 on the following attack line for -m 1800 and -m 2100:
cudahashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt --bf-min 4 --bf-max 4 -1 ?s?d?u?l hash.txt ?u?d?s?d
Thanks mastercracker!

Quote:-m 2711 only dictionary (-a 0) attack works.
-m 2811 only dictionary (-a 0) attack works.

This is interessting. The same happens on AMD, so maye there is a shared bug.
v48 is up but this is only compiled with cuda 5.0. there should be no changes to the stated bugs. there is no need to test again before i fixed them.

cuda 5.0 however produces massive performance increases, see here:

Quote:-m 141 Nothing works

New version is up, pls test
how can i reproduce this?

Quote:- The progress and reject counter are wrong, see attached picture.
For further Nvidia testing, it seems that I need to update the driver I have. I currently get the CuModuleLoad() 209 error. I will try updating it when I'll get back home.
Yep, you need 304.x on Linux, not sure which version to use on windows.
(08-21-2012, 01:32 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]how can i reproduce this?

Quote:- The progress and reject counter are wrong, see attached picture.
It happens for example with this command line:

cudahashcat-plus64.exe -a 1 -d 1 -m 3200 -o found.txt hash.txt dic1.txt dic1.txt
So you can try combination attack on blowfish and see if you get the same thing. Otherwise I can provide you with the hash.txt and dic1.txt files. This is for NVidia with my GTX470 but the same happens with AMD HD5750. Also note that for the dictionary attack (-a 0), both counters work fine in both systems (AMD and NVIDIA).
You need to download a 883MB package just to install the beta driver needed to run latest betas of cudacats.
Crazy if you ask me.
@Rolf:: You sure?
I grabbed the latest beta driver from here (304.79, Only ~200Mb):

Forget to say, it feels "buggy" for me, even the WindowsExperinceIndex rating went down :(
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