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hashcat Forum

Full Version: V47 bugs AMD
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System: Windows 7 64 bit, catalyst 12.6 HD5750, oclhashcat-plus beta 47

The good

Here's the algos where everything is perfect: 0, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 40, 100, 101, 110, 111, 112, 120, 121, 122, 130, 131, 132, 140, 141, 300, 400, 500, 900, 1000, 1100, 1400, 1410, 1420, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1720, 1722, 2100, 2400, 2600, 2611 3000, 3100, 3200.

The bad

- Progress and rejected counters wrong.
- For -m 1710 sha512($pass.$salt), Bruteforce on length 4 fails. Everything else works.
- For -m 1800 sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix), -a 1 fails for length 15.
- For -m 2711 vBulletin > v3.8.5, Nothing works
- For -m 2811 vBulletin > v3.8.5, Nothing works

The crashes (command line used when a driver crash happens). Technically, those crash could mask a bug but for now I have treated them like if they would have worked if they did not crash but the reason of the crash needs to be discovered (I can provide everything that I used if you can't reproduce them):

oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 400 -o found.txt --bf-min 4 --bf-max 4 -1 ?s?d?u?l hash.txt ?u?d?s?d
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 500 -o found.txt --bf-min 4 --bf-max 4 -1 ?s?d?u?l hash.txt ?u?d?s?d
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 1600 -o found.txt --bf-min 4 --bf-max 4 -1 ?s?d?u?l hash.txt ?u?d?s?d
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt --bf-min 2 --bf-max 2 hash.txt ?s?s
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt --bf-min 4 --bf-max 4 -1 ?s?d?u?l hash.txt ?u?d?s?d
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 6 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt hash.txt dic1.txt ?l?l
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 6 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt hash.txt dic1.txt A?l?l
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 7 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt hash.txt ?s?s dic1.txt
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 7 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt hash.txt B?l?l dic1.txt
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 7 -d 1 -m 1800 -o found.txt -1 1234 hash.txt ?1?1?1?1 dic1.txt
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 2100 -o found.txt --bf-min 4 --bf-max 4 -1 ?s?d?u?l hash.txt ?u?d?s?d
I will do the full testing soon but I did a couple of quick tests and here's some changes:

-m 2600 Everything works well now.
-m 2611 Everything works well now.
-m 2711 Dictionary attack now works, the rest still fails.
-m 2811 Dictionary attack now works, the rest still fails.

The following attack lines don't crash anymore:

oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 2600 -o found.txt --bf-min 15 --bf-max 15 -1 a -2 b -3 c -4 d hash.txt ?1?1?1?1?2?2?2?2?3?3?3?3?4?4?4
oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 2611 -o found.txt --bf-min 15 --bf-max 15 -1 a -2 b -3 c -4 d hash.txt ?1?1?1?1?2?2?2?2?3?3?3?3?4?4?4
Thanks mastercracker!

I have removed the bugs that have been fixed by cat 12.8 in your original post.

Also notice it might be neccessary to compile the kernels again with cat 12.8 but currently this is a bit a problem since the cat 12.8 on linux has a bug so that it does not install the 32 bit opencl library.

This one is irritating:

Quote:- Progress and rejected counters wrong.

Same happend to NV at the same time.
Full testing on catalyst 12.8 gives the same results as for 12.6 except for the new things that works or don't crash anymore. I was afraid new bugs would show up but nothing changed. We are progressing, only a couple of bugs left.

For -m 141, my hashes are simply not loaded. Here's my hashes, do they look in the right format for oclhashcat-plus?

v48 is up but this is only compiled with catalyst 12.8. there should be no changes to the stated bugs. there is no need to test again before i fixed them.
I tried to reproduce this one:

Quote:- For -m 900 MD4, Bruteforce on length 12 fails. Everything else works.

But it was cracked fine. Please verify
(08-19-2012, 04:30 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]I tried to reproduce this one:

Quote:- For -m 900 MD4, Bruteforce on length 12 fails. Everything else works.

But it was cracked fine. Please verify
I have rechecked and it does not work. I have tested both as a single hash (with --force) or with 24 other hashes. Here's the conditions I have used:

Password: aaaabbbbcccc
hash: d2793374a2fb02a98598679f86373e45

Command line:

oclhashcat-plus64.exe -a 3 -d 1 -m 900 -o found.txt --bf-min 12 --bf-max 12 -1 a -2 b -3 c -4 d test.hash ?1?1?1?1?2?2?2?2?3?3?3?3

If you can't reproduce it then it's either kernel, GPU or OS specific. I must admit that it's weird since the NTLM algo, based on MD4, works.

Quote:- For -m 900 MD4, Bruteforce on length 12 fails. Everything else works.

New version is up, other bugs still exist.

Quote:-m 141 Nothing works

New version is up, pls test
-m 900 bug is fixed.
-m 141 No hashes gets loaded. My hashes are in this format. I don't know if it's right or not:

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