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hashcat Forum

Full Version: v62 is up
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b65 is up !


Quote:-m2811: 'Line-length exception'.

are we done?
Hold your horses there!
Sorry dude when I have a run I must take it!

b66 is up.

@K9, @Blandy: With this version, multihash performance problems should be fixed!!!
@atom, got oclhc-plus v0.09b66 using cat 12.6, speed issue same:

oclHashcat-plus64.exe -m 0 -a 3 -n 320 --remove -o foundMD5.txt -1 ?d?l 32_hex.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Speed: 2342.5M/sec

oclHashcat-plus64.exe -m 0 -a 3 -n 320 --bf-min=8 --gpu-temp-disable --remove -o foundMD5.txt -1 ?d?l 32_hex.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Speed: 1255.4M/sec

Do I need cat 12.8?
Sorry I lost connection!

atom Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry dude when I have a run I must take it!
That's good!
I meant it in a positive way :p

-m1710: All fixed! Bada$$ atom!
-m2811: No more 'Line-length exception'!

You might want to wrap this up by checking:
-m3100: When I use -a3, all is being cracked but if len(pass) > 8 it truncate the passes to 8.
-m3000: LM is behaving much better! BUT still:
-a0: does NOT crack any 6-character-long passwords! (Too Odd!)
-a6: Sometimes adds a char in the end of a cracked password. (Very similar to: )

Haven't tried all algos, but will do when I have sometime.
(09-01-2012, 09:59 PM)blandyuk Wrote: [ -> ]@atom, got oclhc-plus v0.09b66 using cat 12.6, speed issue same:

oclHashcat-plus64.exe -m 0 -a 3 -n 320 --remove -o foundMD5.txt -1 ?d?l 32_hex.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Speed: 2342.5M/sec

oclHashcat-plus64.exe -m 0 -a 3 -n 320 --bf-min=8 --gpu-temp-disable --remove -o foundMD5.txt -1 ?d?l 32_hex.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Speed: 1255.4M/sec

Do I need cat 12.8?

Sorry dude, I packaged it wrong!

b67 is up. Try again. Any yes, cat 12.8.
guys check out b67. multihash performance rocks
Why it doesn't rock for me...

hc64p -n320 --gpu-loops=512 -a3 --bf-min=8 --runtime=120 1mfakemd5.hash ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a
Speed........: 104.5M c/s Real, 104.5M c/s GPU

hc64p -n320 --gpu-loops=512 -a3 --bf-min=8 --runtime=120 1mfakemd5.hash ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a
Speed........: 104.5M c/s Real, 104.5M c/s GPU
only amd Smile
@atom will check b67 tmoz Smile
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