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hashcat Forum

Full Version: oclHashcat-plus v0.09 RC1
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(09-05-2012, 12:03 AM)blandyuk Wrote: [ -> ]Go ahead, although I now use 1 5870 and 1 5850 now Smile will have 3 x 5870s soon and will look at upgrading more after that.

Will update that info, thanks!
(09-05-2012, 12:37 AM)M@LIK Wrote: [ -> ]Just a few notes before we dive into the hardcore stuff:
  • docs\user_manuals.txt(line_3) is old enough to be removed, or just tag it with "Outdated".
  • --help(line_35), you can add " --outfile-format=NUM Define outfile-format for recovered hash, see reference below".
  • I'm not sure about this one but you need to check --outfile-format=4, its outputs is always padded with zeros. Try:
    echo -n 00 | hc64p --outfile-format=4 b4b147bc522828731f1a016bfa72c073

OK will do, thanks!
(09-05-2012, 12:02 AM)forumhero Wrote: [ -> ]regarding the chart, how about a bar graph? i think it better emphasize an increase in performance, rather than a line graph that's sloping downwards...

OK, I will try and then decide which one to use
OK, rc2 is up with all the suggestions plus also increment mode disabled by default. The handling is now exactly as in maskprocessor/statprocessor. If you want increment mode, add -i.
(09-05-2012, 12:02 AM)forumhero Wrote: [ -> ]regarding the chart, how about a bar graph? i think it better emphasize an increase in performance, rather than a line graph that's sloping downwards...

OK, updated, here is how they look like now:

What you think?
Looks informative and easy understandable for me.
looks great!
Windows7 64-bit, nVidia, 304,79 beta, oclHashcat-plus-0.09-rc2.

About -m's:
-m3000(FAGGOT!): -a0 fails to crack len_6 passwords unless it's piped using echo -n and not a dict. -a1, -a7 appends a char if the pass was len_7, See details here.
-m131: Fails to crack any password containing lowercase char in it, all attack-modes, all lengths.
This bug seems to be present in previous versions as well, but I didn't notice it for some reason. I changed all my plains\hashes now.
- It would much nicer if hashes of algos related to strtolower (-m1100, -m2100 and -m121) does NOT get lowered by force in left list and output. In other words, keeping the username's case as it is.

- Nothing was done about my previous report.
- If -i is not set, the mask will start AND stop at the first place-holder.
hc64p -a3 --force e6d96502596d7e7887b76646c5f615d9 ?l?l?l
Status.......: Exhausted
Input.Mode...: Mask (?l)

More deep tests are planned.
Quick one, -m 3000 (LM) now only works with 16 char hex hashes, not the full 32 char hex Sad

Real pain!
Last one to know! xD

"full 32 char hex" are the REAL PAiN!
A nice script will help you in joining and splitting your hashes.
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