Okay thanks for a suggestion hope its a driver issue
Clean install still not working...straight mode works fine but brute force mode will show this ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209 any suggestion?
edit:it's on brute force cudaHashcat-plus 0.09
1 more info its only error on md5 hash other type hash works just fine :p
have you tried unpacking the package again? sounds like some kernel directory weirdness
tried just now, still error, hope someday there's a fix for this
ops NTLM and md4 hash type also give this error, i think some hash type will error some not ??
What is your OS (including 32 bit or 64 bit) and the graphic card that you are using?
Windows 7 32bit and gtx260
(10-13-2012, 08:58 PM)rolter09 Wrote: [ -> ]Windows 7 32bit and gtx260
So if I summarize everything, the bug happens only for -a 3 and under windows 32 bit version. Does do it for a certain algorithm or all of them?
so far
-a 3 bug
-a 100 bug
-a 2600 ok
-a 300 ok