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hashcat Forum

Full Version: HashCat Output [Question] [Help]
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I'm currently using HashCat to decrypt 10,000 md5 hashes, because I have 10,000 emails that match with them.

However when I decrypt the hashes, it only saves the hashes that were successfully decrypted to the output file.
This means what when I go to parse (match the emails up with the passwords) there will be less passwords than there is emails. Completely ruining which password goes to which email.

So, is there a way to enable hashcat to keep the uncracked hashes in the output file? so that there will still be 10,000 hashes, but only the successfully cracked ones will have a password beside them?

Thanks, hope this is possible.

If not, can someone tell me another solution to this problem?
can't you just conbine the uncracked and cracked list?
(09-29-2012, 01:18 AM)forumhero Wrote: [ -> ]can't you just conbine the uncracked and cracked list?

How would that work?...when the 10,000 hashes are finished cracking, they would be in such an order that would be say..50 cracked, the next 20 uncracked, 50 cracked, 20 uncracked, all the way from the beginning to end.

How am I supposed to combine the two?
write a script that matches up the hashes in your .pot with your original list.
I'm not a scripter..could you write me a quick one ?
It's fine. I did like hashcat a lot, however after using passwordspro it took me 5 minutes to get the desired effect, and better.
Hashcat is way to complicated.
Because it's not for noobs.
I did not read the entire thread, but sounds like something that should work with --show, or not?
wrong subforum for --show, unless you added --show to hashcat without telling anyone Smile