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hashcat Forum

Full Version: oclHashcat-lite-0.11-rc3 seperator bug
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Nice forumhero Smile that speed is better. Someone mentioned that my HashcatGUI was having a problem with the oclhashcat-lite separator char command but it seems to be an issue with latest beta.


cudaHashcat-lite64.exe -m 2611 -p : -o "[some_path]\blah.txt" -n 80 --outfile-format=3 --gpu-loops=1024 --gpu-temp-abort=90 --pw-min=1 --pw-max=8 -1 ?l?d a53df26da53df26da53df26da53df26d:fgf ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

When I remove "-p :" it works ok. Possible bug?

Reproduced and confirmed.

EDiT: It simply exits with code -1.
Thanks, fixed Smile
atom Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, fixed Smile
Okay, it doesn't exit now, but it simply ignores the given char and insist on using ":"
hc64l -p" " 9033e0e305f247c0c3c80d0c7848c8b3 !
Status.........: Cracked
oclHashcat-lite-0.13 and oclHashcat-lite-0.14b2 are tested, negative on both.