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hashcat Forum

Full Version: hashcat throws an unhandled exception error
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From my previous post Now Hashcat GUI v0.51 able to detect "hashcat v0.42" and "oclHashcat-lite 0.13".

The oclHastcat-lite & Plus work fine, but the hashcat throws an unhandled exception error. It's really annoying always appear debugger window.

Hope you can check this. Thank you.
And upload all data to reproduce somewhere. Can you post a screenshot? Also the full commandline that is executed.
Hi, sorry for late reply.

Please take a look at these screenshots for each Detect version, Hastcat (error), Hashcat Plus, and Hastcat Lite.

Detect hashcat

Hashcat (Error)

Hastcat Plus

Hastcat Lite

I'm using Win XP SP3 with Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80 GHz and 2 GB RAM.
This has been fixed. It seems a workaround for XP was accidentally removed at v0.41.

Forgot to mention this was fixed for .43 beta.