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hashcat Forum

Full Version: lower gpu util in linux
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Pages: 1 2
You get better speed with -n 32 --gpu-loops 4096 but you might need to register patch on windows otherwise the driver could crash.

Also make sure no other GPGPU application is running the background. Flash (in browser) for example.
(01-27-2013, 09:43 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]You get better speed with -n 32 --gpu-loops 4096 but you might need to register patch on windows otherwise the driver could crash.

Also make sure no other GPGPU application is running the background. Flash (in browser) for example.

Thanks! I will try now with -n 32 --gpu-loops 4096.
Yes, I allready execute register patch. No flash etc in bgnd...
Pages: 1 2