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hashcat Forum

Full Version: ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs() -1001 Win 8
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Hi All,

I'm getting the following error when trying to run the program.

ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs() -1001

Details for my setup are as follows:

Operating system and arch: IE
windows 8 x64

Version of the driver installed: IE
Catalyst 12.8

version you are using: IE

The command: IE
oclHashcat-lite64.exe -b

The error: IE
ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs() -1001

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
-1001 usually means your driver is correctly installed , but the opencl runtime not. do you have a special stripped/light version of the driver installed?
(01-27-2013, 09:44 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]-1001 usually means your driver is correctly installed , but the opencl runtime not. do you have a special stripped/light version of the driver installed?

Not that I know of, it was downloaded from the AMD website. I didn't install the SDK though.
did you had a nvidia card before in that system? the forceware driver also install an opencl runtime and if its not removed properbly before you install catalyst the amd driver will use that wrong one
It's a new PC and only had the AMD card.

I did upgrade to Catalyst 13.1 before but I uninstalled it and cleaned it with Driver Fusion before I installed 12.8.
hmm maybe 13.1 is to new for driver fusion. you can try to manually remove opencl.dll
It looks like that might have been the case, I deleted two copies of opencl.dll and reinstalled catalyst 12.8 and now it works.
