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hashcat Forum

Full Version: line length exception with ssha
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Keep getting line length exception with ssha from openldap.

I've made sure no tabs/spaces as per the faq. Here's an outout of xxd
cat testhash.txt | xxd
0000000: 7b53 5348 417d 3063 3062 6c46 5458 584e {SSHA}0c0blFTXXN
0000010: 7541 4d48 4543 5334 7578 726a 335a 6965 uAMHECS4uxrj3Zie
0000020: 4d6f 5749 6d72 0a MoWImr.
Which clearly shows nothing but a new line character after the hash.

example hash {SSHA}0c0blFTXXNuAMHECS4uxrj3ZieMoWImr from

I tried using both no -m option or -m 111 which should be ssha.

I know the hashes are in the format of {SSHA}base64(sha1(password + salt) + salt) . Any idea what i'm doing wrong?
hashcat CPU does not support dynamic salt length for ssha. only oclHashcat-* does.
I think not any salt length is possible with oclhashcat-(lite/plus)
I opened a new thread about this topic

(02-06-2013, 05:21 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]hashcat CPU does not support dynamic salt length for ssha. only oclHashcat-* does.