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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hashcat Lite v.0.14 Crash on start with AMD 7950
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i see output in your screenshot. if you're looking for the status, you won't see it unless you press 'enter' in that window, just like it tells you. if you gave it a larger workload you would probably see that it's working just fine.
(02-23-2013, 07:00 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]i see output in your screenshot. if you're looking for the status, you won't see it unless you press 'enter' in that window, just like it tells you. if you gave it a larger workload you would probably see that it's working just fine.

I used "Output to File" in the options before I started it. Its supposed to create a file called <filexample>.<filetyp>.out and it Simply doesn't.
it only writes to the output file if it actually cracks something.
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