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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Arabic charset support, questions about command line
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Pages: 1 2
(03-19-2013, 11:45 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]your plaintexts are utf-8 encoded
You're right. What is the correct MD5 hash for "абв"?
or can you give me link to website where I can generate "correct" hash?
I know that the MD5 hash was generated by the program, which was developed in .NET C#. It uses UTF-8 encoding on English windows, right? I created file with arabic alphabet in UTF-8 and tryed some hash. Here is result:
Hash: a20d07a04b1fe9ddbe4bddf2926e2cee

How can I see the result in the readable view, not "بدو"?
just write to an output file and open it in wordpad
Thank you, atom.
Pages: 1 2