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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Oracle 11g Format
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It's possible to use hashcat like oclHashcat-plus to recover password having Oracle 11g sys.user$.spare4 value? I've read thread oclHashcat-plus: Oracle 11g Format, but when try the same using hashcat nothing happend Sad, only "Try --help for more help."
if it were a problem with the hash format you would be getting a line length exception, not the help message. this means there's something else wrong with your command.

paste your whole command line, but censor your hash.
System Properties (example):
-> Database: Oracle 11g
-> Account: SYS
-> Passwd: SYS
-> SYS.USER$: NAME = 'SYS', SPARE4 = 'S:B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C2FCDD505130ED13524B4'
This means: HASH = 'B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C', SALT = '2FCDD505130ED13524B4'

Whole command line:
C:\Temp\hashcat-0.43>hashcat-cli64.exe -m 112 B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C:2FCDD505130ED13524B4

I tried input file (hash_salt.txt) and other -m values (110).
hashcat does not support -m 112, you need to use oclHashcat-plus
the following commands work with plus:

./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 112 B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C:2FCDD505130ED13524B4 -a 3 ?l?l?l

./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 110 --hex-salt B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C:2FCDD505130ED13524B4 -a 3 ?l?l?l

and this command works with hashcat (no support for mode 112):

echo B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C:2FCDD505130ED13524B4 >test

./hashcat-cli64.bin -m 110 --hex-salt test -a 3 ?l?l?l

hope that helps.
(03-21-2013, 04:53 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ](...)
hope that helps.

Works like a charm! Regards Smile