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Full Version: 1Password - AgileBits
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(04-14-2013, 08:07 AM)halfie Wrote: [ -> ]Latest JtR-jumbo supports "Cloud Keychain" files (I just added support for it and the speeds are simply awesome!).

Also, a bug in parsing of "Agile Keychain" format has been fixed.

And the password for openwall.keychain is "openwall" Wink

Yep I got in contact with D Kholia at openwall regarding that and that's why it was corrected so quicky!. Good man.

Now i can't seem to find the format in JTR for cracking the apple icloud cloudkeychain after extracting with

Here it is

My bad i had to compile JTR Bleeding Jumbo

All good now
(04-15-2013, 09:54 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]I've added PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 for a different algorithm. If you add a request for 1Password Agile Keychain to Trac I might add it.

yeah will do because

cloudkeychain is 6.10 c/s

1Password support has been added to beta version, expect it in the next release version.
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