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hashcat Forum

Full Version: HD7950, HD5870, or HD5970
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Am looking at building a cracking machine and it appears that the reference design HD7970 cards out there are all sold out, unless of course you want to pay $800+. It appears I can get an HD7950 or HD5870 reference design cards from ebay, etc. I also saw some HD5970s as well. Which one would be the better card?
out of those options, HD5970
I am not really locked into one of these options, but would like something around the $300-$400 range with a reference cooler. So if there are others I am not listing feel free to add.
(04-29-2013, 05:42 PM)powderspecial600 Wrote: [ -> ]I am not really locked into one of these options, but would like something around the $300-$400 range with a reference cooler. So if there are others I am not listing feel free to add.
What about 6990 I dont really know costs but im sure they will be cheaper than a 7990?


The Rave
personally I would not buy the hdXX50 versions. If you really want it as cheap as possible, the hd5870 is not bad.