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hashcat Forum

Full Version: oclHashcat-lite output | to program
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Is there a way to oclHascat as a cracking engine to speed up the operations of a larger program, for example, coWPAtty?

I don't know of any oclHashcat-specific applications to WPA2 cracking, so I am using coWPAtty, since it is clearly explained and has clearly written source that is freely available.

I also think it would be good how to apply oclHashcat for any brute-force application.

Can someone please give some examples of applying oclHashcat in larger programs. (For example, pipe the output of oclHashcat to another program.) Is there a guide for this?

cowpatty is slow. why would you want to use it?
Alright i guess i figured it out almost all except the mask...right and left thing, the '?l?u' from '-1 ?l?u ?1?l?l?l?l?l19?d?d' have to do with the first part of the hash which is the salt ? thx advance.

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you can also use maskprocessor. it's a standalone program to generate wordlists. it produces the same candidates as oclHashcat-lite does. it can print to stdout, so you can pipe it to whatever program.