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hashcat Forum

Full Version: release 0.15 froze
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b5 is up as well, fixing the same issue for nvidia
Here no crashes as well, running simple dictionaires attack with 1.00b6.
Now testing with rules (m3g9tr0n rule file is missing the file extension).
(08-29-2013, 03:12 AM)mastercracker Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-28-2013, 10:46 PM)proinside Wrote: [ -> ]Beta2, cat 13.4
After this crash, running the same command line once, no error (at least, when trying one more time).
Using a folder with multiple dictionaires freezes again or crash.
I get this (oclhashcat64.exe has stopped working) often too. It seems to me that it's almost always near the end of an attack. I get also the following error: clenqueuewritebuffer() -30

In my case it was in windows7 64bit catalyst 13.8beta and on oclhashcat version 1.00b3.

Now I get this as well but with 1.00b19 (oclhashcat64.exe has stopped working).
The Fault Module Name isn't oclHashcat64.exe but StackHash_23c8.
Didn't change anything at all, still using cat 13.4.
Switching to 1.00b6 all works normally, no errors.
On Windows 7 64 bit, catalyst 13.8b1, 2 x HD6970
I get the clenqueuewritebuffer() -30 at about 3/4 of len 8 bruteforcing of the following:
-1 ?d?l -i  ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

It happened on both b10 and b16. I imagine that I would get the same with b19 but did not test it.

EDIT: When it happens, it seems like you have to reboot the computer or it happens all the time. The take home message is that my testing are not good since I did not reboot in between. I was able to complete the run after I rebooted. Not sure what was the original crash/trigger but I will post again if it happens.
So from what I could test, the clenqueuewritebuffer() -30 error was coming from a faulty card/setup. I could prove this by trying different combinations of gpus. Out of 3 gpus, only 1 was faulty and removing it from the equation removed the error without rebooting the computer. After reseating the pci-e extender I got rid of the error coming back so far. I will post back if I get this error again.
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