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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Huge wordlist
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I'm trying to crack automatically generated password encrypted by md5.
I know all possible combinations. It's about 4B (2^32).
Each password is 8 symbols long(62 characters), so making mask is not an option here(218340B passwords).
So I'll jump to my problem. With my GPU makes about 1B/sec md5.
But, when I'm trying to use wordlist - It shows speed about 11-25M/sec.
I understand that copying data from SSD is not fast enough. So I tried to speed up it by creating tmpfs in RAM (DDR3 PC3-14900) and storing part of my wordlist there. The result was even worse - 11M/sec.

Ok. Here is the question: How do I speed up cracking by wordlist?

PS. Ubuntu/oclHashCat_plus/ATI 6770/Intel SSD
how is using a mask not an option? seems like the perfect option since you know all the passwords are 8 len.
maybe i understand masks wrong. What is your suggestion? Please provide command options.
Without knowing what you are doing, I'd suggest removing the last character from all the words in the word list. Sort and remove duplicates. Then do a hybrid attack to add the last character back in. This should get speeds closer to 1B/sec. Now if removing the last character doesn't actually remove like 90% of the passwords in your list, then it's not going to be much of a help.

How did you generate the 2^32 passwords? Are they all like Aaaa000! or something? If they are then you can do a mask attack.
(09-10-2013, 01:17 AM)Sc00bz Wrote: [ -> ]Without knowing what you are doing, I'd suggest removing the last character from all the words in the word list. Sort and remove duplicates. Then do a hybrid attack to add the last character back in. This should get speeds closer to 1B/sec. Now if removing the last character doesn't actually remove like 90% of the passwords in your list, then it's not going to be much of a help.

How did you generate the 2^32 passwords? Are they all like Aaaa000! or something? If they are then you can do a mask attack.

That's an interesting suggest. But not really helps in my situation. Cutting password and running `sort -u` resulted in shortening testing wordlist from 94,967,295 to 94,966,065

Password list was generated using rand php function. Due to technical restrictions there are only 2^32 possible passwords. Here is an example:
if the hashed passwords are randomly generated then your only option would be to bruteforce
try splitting your wordlist into smaller chunks and running them separately.

advanced tip: you can also try a normal mask attack like -1 ?u?l?d ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 but you can run hcstatgen to generate an hcstat file based on your wordlist. this should speed up cracking in brute-force mode by quite a bit.
I don't think hcstatgen will generate good hcstat file for my wordlist. Random generation in PHP works really reliable. I'll try it anyway. thanks.

After a few tests I was able to reach 32M/sec speed using Straight attack mode. It doesn't matter if I was using SSD or RAMfs for storing my wordlist.
It's looks like oclhashcat_plus is reading file really slow.
I just realized that I posted my thread in the wrong Forum. Should be oclHashCat_plus forum. (moderators)Please move it if possible.

I got a new question here): Is there way to run few instances of oclHashCat_plus on same OS?
ERROR: already an instance ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin running on pid 3088
Yes, use --session

(09-10-2013, 01:12 PM)jimipage Wrote: [ -> ]I got a new question here): Is there way to run few instances of oclHashCat_plus on same OS?
ERROR: already an instance ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin running on pid 3088