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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Single rule doesn't work
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I'm trying to use hashcat to generate some nice wordlists, ala debug-mode=3, inspired by but there seems to be a bug in the fact that it won't run when there is only one rule in the rule file, namely ":" and the same holds true regardless of the rule.

[Image: onerule.png]

Maybe it's because I don't understand what the "-a 1" option does but I'm assuming it makes all possible combinations of all the words in the wordlist. Assuming that, when I make two rules, : l , this is the output.

[Image: tworule.png]

Why does it make quadruplicates of the combinations? Can I get a single rule to run? On a related note would it ever be possible to have a similar debug-mode in the ocl version? Just curious.

both were indeed bugs, many thanks for reporting them. i already fixed them. if you're interessted in a beta for testing PM me. oclHashcat will not have a debug mode (its because word mutation is done on gpu kernel which does not have printf() capability).