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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Bars vs HC
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Why is there such a big difference?
cpu hashcat is not optimized for brute force, it is optimized for wordlist-based attacks.
Ehehe, grandma BarsWF Big Grin
But seriously, bad comparison.
You should at the very least compare them trying to crack the same keyspace. Anyway, hashcat is far superior since it uses markov chains. You are more likely to get your hit faster than barswf.
(10-24-2013, 02:54 PM)mastercracker Wrote: [ -> ]You should at the very least compare them trying to crack the same keyspace. Anyway, hashcat is far superior since it uses markov chains. You are more likely to get your hit faster than barswf.

OK, I did the same ?l?u?d?s 10 symbols for HC and overclocked the CPU. The biggest I got was:

[Image: c9bc549e6169.png]

Frankly speaking, the best I once got from HC was 25 millions, but it was still 3 times less.
again, cpu hashcat is not optimized for brute force. if you want to do brute force, use oclHashcat.
Seems bars also not so optimized, as I can start bars and get ~360mh/s and can launch hashcat at same time by getting ~40mh without loosing performance from bars. So there should be some space for optimizations left.