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hashcat Forum

Full Version: very strange! nv540m reached 16k h/s
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hi, i just started to use oclhashcat+ 2 weeks ago, i have a dell xps 15 with nvidia 540m(2011 model). i got around 2.2k keys per second on intel i7 cpu and 6.5k h/s with gpu accel 64, loops 256.
BUT 2 days ago (last saturday) 540m crack speed reached 16.1k on same config 64+256, a 133mb rockyou.txt file took 24 minutes only. i have no idea what caused the huge jump in speed. hwmonitor showed the temp is normal at 87-96c. the driver was 327.23 but i also had 2 older drivers 310 and earlier in hard disk.
i made a bad decision last night to "upgrade" to the newest r331 driver, now the speed is back to "normal" at 6.5k with 327.23, only 5k with r331. the saddest thing is system restore had no record(restore point) to get it back .
can anyone shed light on this? thx in advance and should i post this on nvidia forum instead?
oh, i forgot to mention that it was done on windows os home 7 x64, not on backtrack. and i was cracking wpa/wpa2 on straight dictionary attacks and brute attacks with masks. the version is oclhashcat plus 0.15 the lastest x64 binary.
1) If you want to revert to your old driver you can use the information in the wiki:
2) I would never let my GPUs stay for a long time at a temperature equal or above 90°C. You need to find a way to properly cool it or pause it regularly.
3) It's hard to say what changed your speed since you talk about both dictionary and bruteforce attack. Just make sure that you give your GPUs enough work.
like i said, hashcat+ was cracking at 16,100 keys/s for 2 days with 327.23 driver, but after i reinstalled 327.23 , its back to 6,500 keys/s.
i hope you software programmers can help out on this, obviously something is turned off by default with the driver or windows, nvidia 540m at 16k h/s is as fast as ati cards. my computer wasnt even overheating and my gpu wasnt overclocked.
if i was not mistaken, gtx580 only cracks at 13k or 14k on wpa/wpa2, my nvidia 540m shouldnt be that fast at 16k with default driver. there has gotta be some tricks to activate the gpu to reach its full potencial.
GeForce GTX460/768M 336 1350 453.60 1008M 303M 5779 144337 17633(wpa) 38d 3h
i have found the link:
my 540m was as fast as gtx 460 which is a 256bit desktop gpu for 2 days.
nvidia is cheating the consumers by slowing down their own gpus.
You may have your own belief on GPU conspiracy but the fact is that your 540m card has 3.5 times less SP with about the same clock rate. Your expected speed should be in the ball park of 5K so 6.5K is probably the max you should get out of it. Whatever you got previously was probably wrong and even if the speed was real maybe there was some bug that made you go over the "real" password without cracking your WPA. I would stick with the latest recommended driver.

Quote:my computer wasnt even overheating and my gpu wasnt overclocked.
I don't know about your CPU and motherboard but your GPU was overheating. Even without overclocking, GPUs can overheat.
sorry dude, your terrible, you knew nothing about computers or oclhashcat+. nvidia 540m achieved 6.5k with 64 accel and 256 loops, thats just medium workload. the highest speed is 7.5k with max 800 and 4096. intel cpu reaches 100c in 3 minutes with 2.2k crack speed and consumes 20w, 540m cracks at 6.5k but only consumes 5-8w. my laptop is 2011 xps l502x, i can play mmos or running hashcat+ lying in the bed with the laptop sitting on my belly, thats how cool a dell xps runs.
dellxps Wrote:hwmonitor showed the temp is normal at 87-96c.
dellxps Wrote:i can play mmos or running hashcat+ lying in the bed with the laptop sitting on my belly, thats how cool a dell xps runs.

you're an idiot.
You know nothing Jon SNU!
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