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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Issue with bruteforce
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I'm having issue using brute-force featuer along with dictory. Can any one guide me how to use it with dictionary.Looking forward for your kind response.


You have to be much more specific in what the "issue" is and what you have tried.
For example I want to use

?a = ?l?u?d?s

its mean aplha numeric and special char all in one. How do I use to crack pass can any one write me correct sysntax for brute force hash using above syntax.

It's all in the wiki link above. Something like:

hashcat-cli.exe -a 3 hash.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a

This will bruteforce 6 characters long passwords. There are other settings that are needed like the hash type (MD5, NTLM, SHA1, etc.) but everything is in the wiki.