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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Restore bugs thread
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Hi. I know these has been reported in the trac (#203 and #90) already but they are still present in the beta62. I am willing now to take the time to help in troubleshooting them in a reasonable time. I did a couple of tests with the following specs: Windows7 64 bit, catalyst 13.8beta1, oclhashcat 1.0b62, 2 x HD6970 + 1x HD6950. My router at home died and I will only have internet in more or less 48 hours (I am writing from work) but I can summarize my findings. Once I have internet back, I will also send the .restore files created.

Test1: Simple wordlist attack with 1 x 6970 on about 450000 salted hashes (-m 1420).

Result1: Upon stopping after about 2 minutes of running using CTRL-C, restoring the session works but the progress jumps from 2.5 to 22%. The remainder time is also greatly underestimated and go up over time.

Test2: Simple wordlist attack with 2 x 6970 on about 450000 salted hashes (-m 1420).

Result2: Upon stopping after about 2 minutes of running using CTRL-C, the session refuses to restore giving the following error message:
ERROR: Loaded number of devices is async to data in restore file
Additional info that might help or not: The Speed.GPU.#x is accurate and different for each card but the HWMon.GPU.#x is the same for both card (so inaccurate for one of the card). Also, if I open the .restore file with Notepad, the only GPU reported is 1.

Test3: Simple bruteforce with 1 x 6970 on about 450000 salted hashes (-m 1420).

Result3: Upon stopping after about 2 minutes of running using CTRL-C, restoring will show some workload on the card but there is no progress showing/happening. Additional info that might help or not: the Elapsed time picks up exactly at the point where it was stopped.

Test4 and result4 are the same as for test2 but for bruteforce.

I think that it's enough to work with for now. I will send the files as soon as I can.
Files have been sent to atom via email.
Another thing that I have noticed is that when it gives the error message, it's just after loading the devices and it says that it skipped the devices other than the #1. It's weird that it know that there are supposed to be more then 1 device but still don't load them. This happens even if you specify the correct number of devices in the restore command line like:

oclhashcat64.exe -d 1,2 --restore