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Full Version: AMD driver issue
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Since oclHashcat-plus 0.15 I have been using catalyst 13.8beta1 on my Ubuntu 12.03.4 LTS box and a single 7970 with no problems at all.
Installed oclHashcat 1.0 when it came out and gave it a shot. No go "STOP! Unsupported or incorrect installed GPU driver..."

I had been reading atom's post over and thought the error might be related to 13.8beta1. So I --uninstall=force 13.8beta1, removed xorg.conf and installed final catalyst 13.12 including amdconfig --adapter=all --initial -f

oclHascat-plus 0.15 is still working perfect, oclHashcat 1.0 same driver error. I started running the 1.00 benchmark with --force but do know that's not recommended.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something, any help would be just great.
BTW: I wish you all happy holidays and a Merry Christmas!
do you have the SDK installed?
No I don't.
I'll try uninstalling everything and start from scratch. It's only strange to me that 0.15 is still working perfect...
You have some part of the older driver hanging around...
Thx for the hint. I'll try poking around and find it.
i upgraded to 13.12 from 13.9 on win7 and have the same error. use --force and got the -11 error eventually. maybe I should go back to 0.15
OK, I solved the problem, at least for my setup. Catalyst 13.12 final did not work for me, Did a clean install, no go.
Catalyst 13.11beta9.4 did the trick. Everything working perfect now. Just wanted to let you know.

Happy holidays, I'll be playing now with my Christmas gift oclHashcat 1.0 from you guys - thx again!
Same issue, I'll try the vrposter solution
I ssh'ed into my linux box cause you have to stop lightdm, after stop no more access direct
sudo all commands
I have all catalyst version in one directory

ssh <into your box>
stop lightdm
cd tools/catalyst/catalyst13.12/
sh --uninstall=force
rm -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf*
reboot -f

installed 13.11beta9.4 then. ssh or direct via terminal

cd tools/catalyst/catalyst13.11beta9.4/
amdconfig --adapter=all --initial -f
reboot -f

worked for me
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