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hashcat Forum

Full Version: wpa/wpa2 help
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with 10 digit WPA/wpa2 cracking only numbers I like to know best settings and how long it would take. Sys spec i7 3770k and gtx 680 @ 1280mhz
Play around with gpu-loops and gpu-accel but do not expect miracles it's dead! slow.
You'd be better of selling it and buying an top end Radeon 7970 or 5970 both are good cards, it is not the card for crunching numbers especially WPA if your serious.

Run a benchmark and that will tell you roughly your cracking speed.

Linux command.
./cudaHashcat64.bin -b -m 2500

Running a numerical mask if pretty straight forward, hmm. ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d
You too vague in your response, i cannot help you. endof#
Says will take only 3 days with bruteforce accel 60 loop 250
(12-29-2013, 12:58 AM)Si2006 Wrote: [ -> ]You too vague in your response, i cannot help you. endof#

What about a 7870?
it worked thanks!