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hashcat Forum

Full Version: What is the hash for Sql Server
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I'm new with this. I don't know how to find hashes. For instance I would like to find the login password for my Sql Server 2008. What is the hash and how do you find it? Help would be appreciated.
(01-07-2014, 08:27 AM)radix Wrote: [ -> ]

As far as how to get them, this is the wrong forum for that.

What would be the right for them? The link shows an example, am I supposed to put this example in my host.txt

DECLARE @HashThis nvarchar(4000);
SELECT @HashThis = CONVERT(nvarchar(4000),'dslfdkjLK85kldhnv$n000#knf');
SELECT HashBytes('SHA1', @HashThis);

Somewhere thats not here.