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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Geforce GT 240m
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My apologies, this is a double post. I am just unsure of the difference between forums.

I am running an Nvidia Geforce GT 240m. Driver version 327.23.
I am getting speeds of around 2300 H/s. Is this about right or is there any way of increasing this?

Hashcat reports the card as.
Device #1: GeForce GT 240M, 1024MB, 1210Mhz, 6MCU.

type dict.txt | cudaHashcat64.exe --status --restore --session 2wire -m 2500 318.hccap

Indecently, this is the command I've constructed so far. The laptop is also my primary machine, so I prefer to use a restore file to run it at night.

Nvidia chips are slow, you have a mobile gpu and you are trying to crack a wpa hash. Not much speed to expect.
(01-26-2014, 10:49 AM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]Nvidia chips are slow, you have a mobile gpu and you are trying to crack a wpa hash. Not much speed to expect.

Things that would have made this post useful.
1. An estimate as to the max speed I could hope to obtain.
2. Suggestions as to settings I can mess with within the command.

Things that don't make this post useful.
1. Pointing out the obvious.
2. Offering little in the way of help.

I realize this card is slow, that is readily apparent. Yet, I am sure there are some things to bring up speed a small amount. I have been cranking away at this hash for 10 days now, so little boosts could make a difference.

Anyone else have some thoughts?

To find out the maximum speed of your system you can use the benchmark mode. If you just want to know the WPA speed run: cudaHashcat64.exe -b -m 2500

Most of the time, users do not use -u 4096 which usually makes it a bit faster.

Also note that your command is a unpracticable.

Quote:type dict.txt | cudaHashcat64.exe -m 2500 318.hccap

can be simply written as:

Quote:cudaHashcat64.exe -m 2500 318.hccap dict.txt

In this case, as a bonus, you also get an ETC timer because oclHashcat can count the number of words inside your dictionary on startup.