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hashcat Forum

Full Version: litecoin wallet
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i just transferred litecoins to my litecoin-qt wallet (that i've never used before until now). afterwards i was supposed to transfer some of it to another destination and i froze: it asked me for passphrase.

i instantly remembered that i had set a passphrase some months ago to try out the encryption feature. it was a really simple password, probably somewhere around 3-7 chars and probably an english word.

is it possible to use hashcat (cpu or gpu version) to find my password?
This is not supported by hashcat as far as I know. There is this alternative that is for bitcoin but might work for litecoin:
If you really want the algorithm added I suggest to open a trac ticket for it. Chances are much higher we implement it then.
I definitely wouldn't mind. I've got two old wallets that could use a good smashing. They've not got more than 100 bucks in aggregate so I'm in no real rush, although I would like to have my money back at some point!

I just noticed JTR supports Bitcoin though so I'm gonna check that out as well, just

git clone -b bleeding-jumbo git:// JohnTheRipper

and make.

then: /run/john wallet.hash --format=bitcoin --wordlist=lostwallet.txt

also, --fork=n to select # of cores.


I should note I'm personally only interested in Bitcoin not Litecoin (although the algos may be virtually identical).