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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Status alerts via email
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Hello All,

Could someone recommend a way to send daily/hourly and perhaps in case of completion alerts via email?

I am a cheap-ass hash cracker and have a mask attack running on a HD6670, there is still more then 10 days to go.

It's on ubuntu (thanks for the great wiki guide).
I log in every now and then to press s, but a regular email would be much better.

Thanks and best regards,
That would require your server to be able to relay mail or send mail directly, both of which requires additional setup. However if you had that setup a simple bash script to run your command then execute a mail command when completed would take care of your completion alert.

Thanks for this.
Yes, I do have a postfix running nearby.
My question is more about how to get the output of pressing "s" into a file.
I would like to automatically press s in my screen session where oclhashcat is running and get the out into a file.
That could then be emailed or picked up by splunk.
there's no clean or pretty way to do this, you will have to scrape and parse the output. you can use --status and --status-timer to periodically display the status information.