I'm cracking passwords for the first time and need some advice (all of this is being done for a security module at Uni). First of all, is oclhashcat the best to use for cracking md5(unix) hashes ? From what I have read it seems to be the best one (I have a HD6950). The only issue I'm having at the moment is I can't figure out how to load custom wordlist to be used with oclhashcat, could someone point me in the right direction, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks !
One of the best sources for information.
hashcast wiki
Also it is already on a wiki page but oclHashcat64.bin --help.
(02-06-2014, 05:19 AM)coolbry95 Wrote: [ -> ]One of the best sources for information.
hashcast wiki
Also it is already on a wiki page but oclHashcat64.bin --help.
I have spent multiple hours on the wiki page, I wouldn't have asked the question before looking at the wiki. The question still stands, is oclhashcat the optimal cracking tool for md5(unix) hashes and is a dictionary attack the best one for this ?
Fast algorithms like MD4, MD5 or NTLM do work with simple dictionary attacks on a GPU, but this is not very efficient. It takes longer to transfer the wordlist data to GPU global memory rather than to just attack them on the CPU."
Form this it seems that other CPU based tools would be preferable, am I interpreting this right ?
unix-md5 is a slow algorithm and perfect for a gpu.
(02-06-2014, 02:48 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]unix-md5 is a slow algorithm and perfect for a gpu.
At the moment is doing around 4000H/s is this a normal speed ?
Your speed will be inversely proportional to the number of hash you have (number of salts to be more precise but most of the time they are different from hash to hash). Meaning that 2 hash will be twice slower than 1 and 5 hash will be 5 time slower than 1 and 2.5 times slower than 2.
So are you saying that running through a wordlist with only 5 hashes to be cracked will run faster then trying to crack 100 hashes ?
I have enables the -remove function on the hashes, I was running it on 175 hashes got it down to 70 and now it's running at 10k H/s
Yes is there are more hashes it runs slower. That is why you see the speed increase after cracking some of them. What the wiki is saying is that if you just run a wordlist on fast hashes without rules its not going to run at top performance but with slow hashes like md5(unix) it will run at top performance because they can not be computed as quickly. So it is best to get rid of as many unique salts as you can to start with. Then that will increase your overall performance.