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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Web Hosting hashcat
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Has somebody already tried to web host hashcat? Perhaps with a php script and a free web hosting? I mean run hashcat as a web page? So you can start a "job" and just check online the progress and the result?

I don't think so; but to be honest, sounds like a good little project.
But who will pay for the rigs, the electricity.. ?
(02-06-2014, 11:10 PM)Mem5 Wrote: [ -> ]But who will pay for the rigs, the electricity.. ?

I thought he was saying for home use, like when hes away on a trip or something.. like remote access to your rig anywhere.. including your phone.
Ah ok. Use VNC/Teamviewer ;-)
Web ? VNC ? People, why not simple and the most secure SSH ?
Because as web interface I understand something user-friendly ;-)