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hashcat Forum

Full Version: 14.1 Beta + 1.02b44
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WARNING: Linking two modules of different target triples: 'amdil-pc-unknown-amdopencl' and 'amdil-pc-amdopencl'

On Windows btw, and this is only happening when using all attacks except for -a 0 (which seems to work normally). Program crashes with the above message.
We know that problem and we will soon update the page to indicate that all versions from 13.4 up to 13.12 are supported by v1.01 (but no later version).

When 1.01 was released catalyst driver 14.1 did not even exist. Also latest betas were focusing on 13.11 / 13.12 drivers (not later ones).

Anyway, since this is a beta driver, you shouldn't expect that it "works".
The devs did try to do some tests w/ 14.1 but had some problems to get it running too... they will investigate more... but it is very likely that the driver itself has some problems/bugs so we won't recommend it for the time being.
(02-09-2014, 05:44 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]We know that problem and we will soon update the page..........

Yeah, no problem, I was thinking the same thing. I just wanted to expose this particular issue just in case it was something that hadn't been seen before. Also, switching to 1 GPU solves the problem (for me).
