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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hashtopus - distributed solution
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Everywhere else it would matter. But here, since there already is the Assignment combobox (where you can't have radio or checkboxes), I figured it wouldn't save any space to change it to radiobuttons. Also, this was it's better readable in the overall table.

Your project is very good but I don't get it working.
I have follewed your manual on youtube step by step.
I'm using WAMP for Windows.

I've made the database and imported your sql script, everything went fine.
But everytime I go to the admin page I get the following error:
[Image: 3.jpg]
I'm using firefox as web browser.
I can login without any problem.

password change is also not a problem but when I want to distibute cliënts that's when it goes completly wrong. I have tried with my own vouchers and with the default ones that are fillid in but without any success.
I have tried the stable release and the beta but both have the same problem.
If I dubble click the exe I get the following error:
[Image: 1.jpg]
This on Windows 7 & 8
Both are running 64 bit versions on Windows.

If I open it on the command line I get the following error:
[Image: 2.jpg]

I don't have a 32 bit system to test it on and I don't feel like installing a 32 bit version of Windows because that would be a complete wast of my 16GB RAM.

I hope you can help with my problem.

Kind regards,
You need to disable notices logging. You have it set to development mode but you want a production one. This will hide that unimportant error and I also suspect it is causing the downloaded EXE to be corrupted.
I don't really understand what you're saying.
I looked at everything in the admin page but can't find anything that says development or production.

Can you post a screenshot with the setting?
After more googling I have found the solution
You need to set the value
display_errors 0
in the php.ini file in your php folder
and the
display_errors = Off
in the php.ini file in the apache folder

Hope this will help someone in the future Smile.

Now I can download an exe and run it without any problem.
What a stupid mistake of me Smile.

In the mean while I got it working and could ad multiple PC's and with each one was asking for tasks. I added a task and loaded my hashes. It where domain cashed credentials so I choose 1100. It was loaded just fine.
The command that I use is: -a 3 --increment-min=7 -1 ?l?u?d #HL#
When I give the task to both my agents oclhashcat imediatly crashes.
I get the classic Windows error from oclhashcat64.exe has stopped working.
My hashtopus looks like:
[Image: 4.jpg]

In my hashtopus directory I have the hashcat folder with the hashlist and a tasks folder.
What I noticed is when I open the hashlists folder and open the file inside that is my hashlist that I imported but without the seperator.
The ":" was missing in the file.
In my server configuration the feeld seperator is set as ":" and I marked the checkbox that it where salted hashes with the seperator as ":"
Here you have an example of what I mean, This is the hashlist in the folder hashlist:
[Image: 6.jpg]

And this is with my imported hashes:
[Image: 7.jpg]

When I go to my agents tab both of them are showing a red flashing light:
[Image: 5.jpg]
Don't know what that means.

I've installed the latest catalist drivers for both of my cards and rebooted my systems.
Now I'm kind of stuck Confused.

Ok here I am again...
I Tried wit another hash list only NTLM hashes and it didn't work either.
I comapred the 2 errors and what I noticed was this:
failed to get ADR target temperature Data
Immediatly after this error the tasks stops.
I looked it up and found this article.
But as i could not get an older version of hashcat and I don't want to uninstall my drivers because I also game with my PC I looked at enother way of getting around this error.
The option --gpu-temp-disable finally gets my hashtopus working Smile. So after 3 days of trial and error and googling I got it working Smile.

Mayby the error: failed to get ADR target temperature Data
is something for the developper?

Anywhay great programm curlyboi Smile.
(08-15-2014, 09:29 AM)magere-hein Wrote: [ -> ]After more googling I have found the solution
You need to set the value
display_errors 0
in the php.ini file in your php folder
and the
display_errors = Off
in the php.ini file in the apache folder

Hope this will help someone in the future Smile.

Now I can download an exe and run it without any problem.
What a stupid mistake of me Smile.

In the mean while I got it working and could ad multiple PC's and with each one was asking for tasks. I added a task and loaded my hashes. It where domain cashed credentials so I choose 1100. It was loaded just fine.
The command that I use is: -a 3 --increment-min=7 -1 ?l?u?d #HL#
When I give the task to both my agents oclhashcat imediatly crashes.
I get the classic Windows error from oclhashcat64.exe has stopped working.
My hashtopus looks like:
[Image: 4.jpg]

In my hashtopus directory I have the hashcat folder with the hashlist and a tasks folder.
What I noticed is when I open the hashlists folder and open the file inside that is my hashlist that I imported but without the seperator.
The ":" was missing in the file.
In my server configuration the feeld seperator is set as ":" and I marked the checkbox that it where salted hashes with the seperator as ":"
Here you have an example of what I mean, This is the hashlist in the folder hashlist:
[Image: 6.jpg]

And this is with my imported hashes:
[Image: 7.jpg]

When I go to my agents tab both of them are showing a red flashing light:
[Image: 5.jpg]
Don't know what that means.

I've installed the latest catalist drivers for both of my cards and rebooted my systems.
Now I'm kind of stuck Confused.

Ok here I am again...
I Tried wit another hash list only NTLM hashes and it didn't work either.
I comapred the 2 errors and what I noticed was this:
failed to get ADR target temperature Data
Immediatly after this error the tasks stops.
I looked it up and found this article.
But as i could not get an older version of hashcat and I don't want to uninstall my drivers because I also game with my PC I looked at enother way of getting around this error.
The option --gpu-temp-disable finally gets my hashtopus working Smile. So after 3 days of trial and error and googling I got it working Smile.

Mayby the error: failed to get ADR target temperature Data
is something for the developper?

Anywhay great programm curlyboi Smile.

What are you hosting your Server on? If it's Linux what distro / version?

I was trying to use Ubuntu Server 14 but it's giving me issues so I switched to a windows server and that works great with "Windows" clients but linux clients get this error:

Hashtopus 0.8.8a                                                                                                                                                                                          
Debug mode on.                                                                                                                                                                                            
uname -n                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Registering to server...Enter registration voucher: q5RycnSJ                                                                                                                                              
HTTP error: Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure                                                                                              
Registering to server...Enter registration voucher:
Is anyone having issues making a preconfigured task utilizing an incremental attack?
I use 3 seperate machines.
I have 1 laptop on which I installed WAMP and made the changes to the php.ini file like in my previous post and have 2 clients which 2 AMD cards, 1 is running Windows 8.1 64 bit and 1 is running Win7 SP1 64 bit.

I have tried using an incremental attack but for some reasing he doesn't do it (honestly I haven't looked into it why he doesn't do it).
What you can do is make like 10 pré configured tasks and sort the according to priority and then you have some sort of incremental task Smile. You make a task with 3 charcs, and give it priority 20, you make a task with 4 chars and give it priority 19 and so on.
You cannot use incremental attack. It is not possible to use -s and -l oclHashcat parameters when you run incremental attack. This is limitation of the oclHashcat itself.

Furthermore, Hashtopus uses \x01 as a separator for internal transfers, so don't worry about that.
So with that being said would you say this is the correct method for bruteforce:

[Image: y0VxsuN.png]

Also, when one of the agents has a hardware change do they update the table data on the server or do you need to have them re-register with it?

Last question, how are you compiling the agent? Visual Studio 2010 on an older OS maybe?

Also what do you think about a drop down hashtype list instead of having to recall the hash id?

[Image: yl4Q37f.png]

I added this myself and tested it, works fine. You can reproduce this by replacing the data below in "admin.php" starting at line 1301 from the git repo version. (non git version may differ)

case "newhashlist":
      // query hashtypes for id and description
      $kver=mysqli_query_wrapper($dblink,"SELECT id,description FROM hashtypes");
      // new hashlist form
      echo "Upload new hashlist:";
      echo "<script>function formatChange(valu) { var txtObject=document.getElementById('textopt'); if (valu=='0') { = ''; } else { = 'none'; } }</script>";
      echo "<form action=\"$myself?a=newhashlistp\" method=\"POST\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
      echo "<table class=\"styled\">";
      echo "<tr><td>Property</td><td>Value</td></tr>";
      echo "<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"35\"></td></tr>";
      // echo "<tr><td>Hashtype:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"old_hashtype\" size=\"5\"></td></tr>";
      // new hashtype menu
      echo "<tr><td>Hashtype:</td><td><select name=\"hashtype\">";
        while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($kver,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
        echo "<option value='" . $row['id'] . "'>" . $row['description'] . "</option>";
      echo "</select></td></tr>";
      // end new hashtype menu
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