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hashcat Forum

Full Version: test case only cracking single hash
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Newbie question that I'm hoping is just me making a simple mistake. I just wanted to test out oclHashcat, but on my test cases it's only cracking a single hash and ignoring all the rest; even when I know my dictionary contains the correct plain text password. The plain text test cases are below:


Also I'm using a simple python script to generate NTLM hashes; the code is below for reference:

import hashlib
import binascii
import sys
import os

with open("testfile.txt", 'r') as f:

for plain_text in f:

hash ='md4', plain_text.encode('utf-16le')).digest()
print binascii.hexlify(hash)

Also, here is the command I'm running:

cudaHashcat64 -m 1000 -a 0 hashfile.txt plaintext.txt

What's weird is that it appears that it's only cracking the hash that corresponds to the last line in the dictionary, but I'm not sure that definitely the case.

Any help would be great!

BTW I'm running version 1.01
You probably need to get rid of the newline character... it should be easy to see it just add
print plain_text,
after the "for plain_text in f:" and you will notice that there is the extra new line...

you can get rid of it using several ways, for instance:
- plain_text = plain_text[:-1]
- plain_text = plain_text.rstrip ()
(add one of this after the for plain_text in f: loop)

should work, but didn't test it
(04-03-2014, 08:35 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]You probably need to get rid of the newline character... it should be easy to see it just add
print plain_text,
after the "for plain_text in f:" and you will notice that there is the extra new line...

you can get rid of it using several ways, for instance:
- plain_text = plain_text[:-1]
- plain_text = plain_text.rstrip ()
(add one of this after the for plain_text in f: loop)

should work, but didn't test it

That did the trick! Thanks for the quick reply!