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hashcat Forum

Full Version: How to convert an IgHashGpu command line in olchashcat
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Trying to make some test about the performances of the v0.26b
Been looking all over the help but no mode to convert this ighasgpu line in oclhashcat.

ighashgpu_1.exe /tConfusedha1 /min:11 /max:11 /uh:00010203040506070809 /salt:00050509003542250356567600 /h:1346FE139958E354FFCD75821E0791E1EF359459

Could anyone, please, explane me how use the hex char set and the hex salt?

Thanks in advance


sl3 cracking not yet supported
Ok Smile,
sorry for asking but at the end is only a simple SHA1 with the scheme pass,salt
The only need is an hex char set (00 to 09) and an hex salt hence the questions as the infos were showing it as fully supported.


no, it is limited to 15 chars (for optimization reasons) but sl3 requires 24 chars
(03-09-2011, 10:37 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]no, it is limited to 15 chars (for optimization reasons) but sl3 requires 24 chars

Ah, Ok
Thanks for the infos.. really appreciated.
Do you have the extension of the lenght in your roadmap?



yes, oclHashcat-lite version will handle up to 48 chars in salted mode
(03-10-2011, 11:12 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]yes, oclHashcat-lite version will handle up to 48 chars in salted mode

Thanks Atom Smile
really lloking forward for it.

My Best Regards


oclhashcat-lite is ready or under devolment ?

it is under development. the command in oclHashcat-lite must be rewritten to:

./oclHashcat-lite64.bin 1346FE139958E354FFCD75821E0791E1EF359459:003542250356567600 -1 00010203040506070809 -m 103 --hex-salt --hex-charset --output-format=1 --pw-min=15 --pw-max=15 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?100050509

see output here:
Thanks Atom Smile
The speed for the cards used looks good


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